Saturday, April 5, 2014

Huck Finn Chapters 17-21

When Huck comes across the Grangerfords and learns about the feud between them and the Shepherdsons, he doesn't really know how to react. We can tell that Huck and Jim have not reached the free states yet because the Grangerfords own several slaves who work in the house and on the property. But the two families are feuding to the point where they are killing each other. No one in either family knows why or how this huge violent feud started; because of this both families can be considered slaves to their beliefs since hating each other with no rhyme or reason for it has become the way of life for them. In chapter 19 when Huck is reunited with Jim, they come across two men who are con artists. And they are not only con artists, they are also liars, just like Huck. I thought it was funny how Huck lies so much and he is so good at it that he can see right through these men's lies right away. This goes back to my previous idea that Huck is a slave to his chronic lying. The duke's and dauphin's lying continues through chapter 20. Huck and Jim become slaves to these two men because the do all of their bidding to stay out out of trouble with them.