Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Scarlet Letter - Entry #3 - Chapters 7-9

I am starting to feel as though the book is starting to get more engaging as it goes on. I'm starting to like the dramaaa! Ha ha!

In chapter seven, Hester hears rumors that the town may take Pearl away from her because she may be a "demon-child", and that they will do it for Hester's safety. I perceived this as yet another hypocritical event in this story. Pearl is supposed to be a form of punishment for Hester, a symbol of shame, and the town wants to take away this punishment that was declared for her by the very people who want to take her away. But even though Pearl may be considered a symbol of shame for Hester, I also see her as a guardian angel for Hester. I thought this when a group of kids tried to fling mud at the pair and Pearl, who is three at the time, scares them away. I think that's incredible because how scary could a three year old possibly be?  

In chapter eight, Hester and Pearl see Governor Bellingham to determine if Hester will keep her daughter. Minister Dimmesdale speaks up for them saying that Pearl serves as both a blessing and a curse, which wins over the governor. Mysteriously, Pearl takes a liking to Dimmesdale and he also seems to be very fond of her. I think that he is Pearl's father! I actually find this rather obvious, considering the continuing theme of hypocrisy. Adultery is considered a sin in the bible and the town's minister is the most likely identity of Pearl's father in my eyes, only considering how they naturally feel towards one another. At the end of the chapter, the governor's sister invites Hester to a witch's gathering, which she refuses because she has Pearl. This further supports the theory that Pearl is a form of a guardian angel for Hester, keeping her out of harms way. Witchcraft is also considered work of the devil in these times, and since Pearl keeps Hester away from these events, it contradicts the idea that she is a "devil-child".

In chapter nine, Chillingsworth is incorporated into the town as the official doctor. Right around this time, Minister Dimmesdale is getting ill complaining of chest pain. Chillingsworth takes Dimmesdale to his home as a patient. I found this funny; predictable even. Of course the undercover husband of the adulterer would take the adulterer's lover into his home not knowing who he is! This book is beginning to sound just like a soap opera! Also even further supporting the theory of Dimmesdale being Pearl's father, his room is adorned with biblical symbols of adultery and their punishments. This makes it seem like Dimmesdale feels guilty that he sinned, but he truly loves Hester. It shocks me that just these symbols don't bring this theory to Chillingworth's attention. He seems like a smart man, but sometimes the author just can't resist creating more suspense and "mystery". I like the drama, I just don't appreciate how it's being told to the reader.


  1. Nice bloge Bellla~!! :3 I really like how you noticed how imposing Pearl was for being a 3 year old. I guess Pearl really is Hester’s guardian angel! XD
    And I see how you find that it was predictable that the adulterer would somehow happen to stumble upon the guy looking revenge! X3
    Excellent bloge as usual! Can’t wait to see next week!

  2. Haha I love your blog! I really agree on the whole predictability of it all. I feel like from the very beginning it was predictable! And you're right it really is a soap opera! I feel really bad for Pearl in all of this. She's probably the most innocent of them all and she gets called a demon-child. smh I agree that she's much more a guardian angel than anything else.

  3. I agree that the book is getting a lot better. Especially knowing more about Hester's judgment on the A. I find it funny that all of a sudden Hester's safety is a priority. I also have a feeling Dimmesdale is the father. Did you notice how suspicious Chillingworth got? Definitely a hint of foreshadowing. I feel like he's going to handle Dimmesdale the same way he's going to get his revenge on Hester, maybe worse than what he plans to do to Hester.

  4. I really like the idea behind you blog! I like how you pointed out all the things that are contradicting in the story because I never caught on to them. You changed my view on Pearl too, I like being able to think of her as a guardian angel to Hester. It makes sense that she would be a guardian angel considering her father is a minister lol. And also I just made the truffles and I failed completely! Mine tasted way to chocolately even though I put two blocks of cream cheese instead :( lol
