Friday, November 29, 2013

The Scarlet Letter - Entry #4 - Chapters 10-12

Every time I read this book, I think of this haha! I've been watching GH with my mom for years now, and the Scarlet Letter and GH are both what? - SCANDALOUS! 

Chillingsworth is without a doubt, getting closer to discovering the connection between Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. He is increasingly getting more involved in trying to better Dimmesdale's physical and mental state, but I'm still feeling like he doesn't know exactly why yet. He just knows that he has to get to the bottom of it. He's even pushing Dimmesdale's limits in trying to get him to tell Chillingsworth about his "buried sins". It's clear that Dimmesdale is going to hide this at all costs and he gets insulted when Chillingsworth brings it up. But I do agree with Chillingsworth that what Dimmesdale is keeping inside mentaly, is affecting him physically. The mind is a powerful thing. I also found it shocking that when Pearl sees the pair, she says that the "Black Man" (who is the devil) has already captured the minister. I think it's incredible that such a young girl can sense things like that, also contradicting the previous theory that Pearl is a "devil child".

Chapter 11 is mostly about Dimmesdale. As the book goes on, Dimmesdale becomes more and more consumed in his act of sin. I think it affects him more because he is a minister and is probably more involved in the teachings of the bible than any other person in the town. But because of his sin slowly consuming him, he delivers his most powerful sermons yet, mostly about sin. I immediately connected this to "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Johnathan Edwards.

I think chapter 12 is a big jump in the plot in the sense that there is wayyyyyy too much going on. Between the minister having visions and him meeting Hester and Pearl at Governor Winthrop's deathbed and Dimmesdale seeing a red "A" in the sky after a meteor shoots across's all too much. But the one thing I noticed was Pearl's intuitive mind. She is obviously intelligent beyond her years. She really understands more than children at her age generally do. I'm pretty sure that Pearl is completely aware that Dimmesdale is her father. She is completely in touch with something beyond this Earth. I can relate with that. I am a very spiritual person and immediately connected with her in this part of the book.

Anyway, Chillingsworth is now 100% sure that Dimmesdale is Pearl's father, and he is planning his revenge. The end of this book is going to be insane!!


  1. I like how you incorporated GH into your post- both things are completely scandalous! (But I think the book is more though) I do agree with you that this whole situation would affect DImmesdale more considering that he is a minister. You made a really good connection when you mentioned 'Sinners of An Angry God'.

  2. Bella, I also liked the General Hospital connection. There is something very early soap opera about this novel! Nice job!

  3. I like the connections and relations you made with General Hospital and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. I can also completely relate with you on Pearls intuition, I thought literally the exact same thing! I still don't know if I believe that Pearl is positive about Dimmesdale being her dad, I feel like she subconsciously knows and because of her intuitive senses, she knows she can trust him and be content with him.

  4. I like how you related it to General Hospital. I agree with that relation because after the countless amount of times I've had to watch it with my mom I understand how the story is similar to it. I also agree with how you think Pearl has a sort of sixth sense. I feel that she knew from the start that Dimmesdale was her father.
